W. G. Sebald's The Emigrants
Photography (detail) by Juan Asensio.
Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano : the books under the book, the Book under the books
Credits : Lucas Jackson (Reuters).
2666 by Roberto Bolaño

Jack Delano, East bound track of the Santa Fe R.R. across desert country near South Chaves, New Mexico.
Lien permanent | Tags : literature, criticism, 2666, roberto bolaño, douglas robertson | |
Apologia pro Vita Kurtzii 2 : Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
Crédits photographiques : Mike Hettwer.
Lien permanent | Tags : literature, criticism, demonology, cormac mccarthy, blood meridian, douglas robertson | |
The Possibility of an Island by Michel Houellebecq
“When it [war] was over, hideous new creepers covered the wreckage of cities, saints and morons camped in the overpasses of disused highways, and a few man-hunting machines scoured the world in search of surviving weapons.”
Cordwainer Smith, War No. 81-Q (Rewritten Version) in The Rediscovery of Man (NEFSA Press, 1993), p. 19. (*)
Cordwainer Smith, War No. 81-Q (Rewritten Version) in The Rediscovery of Man (NEFSA Press, 1993), p. 19. (*)
Traduction de mon article sur La Possibilité d'une île due à l'amabilité de Douglas Robertson.